Same-Sex Marriage Ban Ends in Florida

About Suze, Family, Personal Growth, Women And Money

January 06, 2015

Last night KT and I were lucky enough to get to go to the courthouse in Del Ray Fla to participate in the first gay marriage ceremonies.

It was so great

Here are my thoughts on this historic day

As Gay men and women we all received the greatest gift of all last night. As the clock struck 12:01am we all became part of the greater whole. The lines in the Floridian sands finally disappeared and we all stepped into the world of equality for all

It was a simply marvelous moment that I will never forget.

What made it even more special was watching everyone who was getting married look at each other with love kindness and disbelief that now two hearts legally now became one.

It was our honor to be part of a fleeting moment in time that will be etched in our hearts forever. As time goes on those that come after us will not understand why last night was so special. They will not have known that their love was different for love is love is it not? But all of us have paved the way for future generations to simply love and be accepted for that simple fact.

May last night have created a bond that TIME cannot destroy in the forgetfulness of the mind.

May last night forever live in the caverns of our hearts and souls and emerge as smiles every time we remember what took place in Florida on Jan 6th 2015.

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