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How to Get the Best Bang for Your College Buck

How to Get the Best Bang for Your College Buck

I am a big believer in college education, and an even bigger believer in...

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What Every Woman Needs to Get Schooled On.

What Every Woman Needs to Get Schooled On.

When the American College of Financial Services recently quizzed...

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A Divorce Settlement Mistake I Want All Women to Home in On. 

A Divorce Settlement Mistake I Want All Women to Home in On. 

Divorce at any age can be difficult. Even in the most amicable of...

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Two Insurance Mistakes Homeowners Can’t Afford to Make

Two Insurance Mistakes Homeowners Can’t Afford to Make

With home values rising more than 40 percent from their lows during the...

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This Girlfriend’s Money Guide to Steering Clear of Divorce

This Girlfriend’s Money Guide to Steering Clear of Divorce

A recent Experian survey reports that more than one-third of people who...

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Are You Ready to Declare Your Financial Independence?

Are You Ready to Declare Your Financial Independence?

I hope you have a fantastic July 4th, and that it includes some time to...

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3 Key Financial Steps for Stay At Home Parents

3 Key Financial Steps for Stay At Home Parents

When you and your partner make the decision for one of you to be a...

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A 5-Step Personal Finance Crash Course for New Grads

A 5-Step Personal Finance Crash Course for New Grads

I absolutely love my 7-class personal finance course, but I want to share a...

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I Always Knew It: Study Proves Women Better Investors Than Men

I Always Knew It: Study Proves Women Better Investors Than Men

Ladies, the jig is up. You can moan all you want about how you’re not...

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How to Smartly Use Community College as a Stepping Stone

How to Smartly Use Community College as a Stepping Stone

You know I am a big believer in the value of a college education. With one...

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How Not to Let Runaway Wedding Costs Derail Your Financial Plan

How Not to Let Runaway Wedding Costs Derail Your Financial Plan

Look, I love a good party as much as anyone else, especially when there is...

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Funding Your Long Term Care Insurance

Funding Your Long Term Care Insurance

It would be easy to say “yes” to long-term care insurance if you...

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