
Money iconFamily & Estate Planning

How Grandparents Can Make the Most of a Grandchild’s Summer Job

How Grandparents Can Make the Most of a Grandchild’s Summer Job

So often grandparents come up to me and ask how they can best help their...

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Emergency Fund 101 - How Much Should You Have Saved?

Emergency Fund 101 - How Much Should You Have Saved?

It makes me so sad to read reports that many households don’t have even...

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The Biggest Retirement Planning Mistake

The Biggest Retirement Planning Mistake

A recent report that studied the 401(k) savings habits of millions of...

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Why You Should Seriously Consider a Roth 401(k)

Why You Should Seriously Consider a Roth 401(k)

You know I love, love, love Roth IRAs. One of the prime reasons being that...

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Three Steps to Guaranteed Financial Independence

Three Steps to Guaranteed Financial Independence

As a nation we set aside one day a year to formally celebrate our...

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How to Get the Most Out of Social Security

How to Get the Most Out of Social Security

Your Social Security retirement benefit is one of the most valuable pieces...

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How To Marry Your Finances

How To Marry Your Finances

It’s no secret that money can be a serious wedge issue for couples....

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Avoid This Common and Costly Insurance Mistake

Avoid This Common and Costly Insurance Mistake

If you have a low deductible of just $250 or $500 on your homeowner or car...

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Life Insurance Made Easy. Really!

Life Insurance Made Easy. Really!

Life insurance is such a difficult financial hurdle for so many of you....

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Long-Term Care Insurance Update

Long-Term Care Insurance Update

I have said over and over again that as you enter your late 40's to 50's...

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Same-Sex Marriage Ban Ends in Florida

Same-Sex Marriage Ban Ends in Florida

Last night KT and I were lucky enough to get to go to the courthouse in Del...

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Let’s Not Sell Young Retirement Savers Short

Let’s Not Sell Young Retirement Savers Short

A recent paper from the influential Research Affiliates investment...

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