Podcast Episode - Suze School: Making Finances a Family Affair

Estate Planning, Must Have Documents

September 10, 2023

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For today’s Suze School, Suze announces a new program designed to help your children learn how to save money and be rewarded for doing so.

Podcast Transcript:


Intro / Outro: Ok, Suze. Are you ready for today's podcast?


Intro / Outro: Oh, you bet I am because I'm unstoppable


Intro / Outro: Music In.


Suze: September 10th, 2023. Welcome everybody to the Women and Money podcast as well as everybody smart enough to listen. So obviously, this podcast has been prerecorded because why? We, KT and myself happen to be in right now in Spain, actually


Suze: in Santiago to be exact, which is where the Camino ends. So if you don't know what the camino is, look it up, it's a fabulous thing that all of you should do, but I have no doubt that we are having the absolute time of our lives, being with our really, really great friends, Joyce, Lithia, Samantha Fabulous. We can't wait to see them all.


Suze: So Suze School, I want to begin with what I consider a seriously exciting announcement


Suze: over the years that Alliant Credit Union has sponsored the Women and Money Podcast. One of the most popular savings programs that we have ever offered is the ultimate opportunity, savings account.


Suze: And so many of you have participated in it over the past. And for those of you who haven't yet participated in the ultimate opportunity savings account, it's not too late. You can still do it if you want to


Suze: so often you would write me and say, Suze, this is such a great savings opportunity that Alliant Credit Union is offering. Why can't we do it for our kids as well? Well, guess what, as of September 10th, 2023


Suze: Alliant Credit Union is opening the Ultimate Opportunity Savings Account for kids and teens. Now, listen to me closely if you don't know what the Ultimate Opportunity Savings account is. It's very, very simple.


Suze: You go to my alliant dot com. You open up an account, it doesn't cost you anything. You put in $100 a month for 12 consecutive months and at the end of those 12 months, you get $100.


Suze: If you already have an Ultimate Opportunity Savings Account, then you automatically qualify to be able to open up one for your kids and your teens. If you don't have one, then for you to be able to open up one for your kids. Guess what? You have to open up one for yourself as well.


Suze: Now it is true that there are two different types of kids accounts for your kids who are 12 and under. It will just be for a savings account for your kids who are 13 through 17, the teens. They will be opening up a checking account with a savings account because that will really prepare them for later on in life. And again, it works identical


Suze: to the Ultimate Opportunity Savings Account that all of you have loved so much. What's really important that you understand is that this opportunity isn't going to be here forever when it comes to your kids. It goes away. December 31st 2023. So I am asking all of you to make finances a family affair


Suze: where you go to my alliant dot com. You click on kids savings accounts if you already have an Ultimate Opportunity Savings Account and if you don't then just click on Ultimate Opportunity Savings account. It's right there when you go to my alliant dot com.


Suze: If you have many kids, just keep coming back to kids' savings account, click on that and open up an account for every kid that you have. I've been waiting to do this for a very, very long time and now guess what,


Suze: we have done it. So thank you Alliant Credit Union because you know, we all know how important it is for us to teach our kids good money habits to hopefully educate them enough so that they get as much pleasure out of saving as they do spending. And the only way they're able to do that is through the habit of depositing money every single month.


Suze: Now, maybe they can only come up with themselves $10 a month. It's all right. Match it for them, do whatever you can,


Suze: but don't miss out on the $100 a month for 12 consecutive months. So you get that extra $100. It is worth it, it is worth it. It is worth it. Once again, just go to my alliant dot com. And at the end of this podcast, Robert will give you an entire list of exactly everything that you need to know.


Suze: Ok. Now one other announcement,


Suze: so many of you have been asking me, where are the Must Have Documents we want to buy? The Must Have Documents


Suze: and truthfully Hay House who manufactures the Must Have Documents , took them off the market for sale so that they could update them, they can make them easier for you to use


Suze: to understand to get help with. Plus they have a whole new set of lawyers that have redone. The documents have looked at the documents have different advice about the documents so that it's totally updated. And I am so excited to announce that as of today, those must have documents


Suze: are back on sale. All you have to do is go to must have docs, that's m-u-s-t-h-a-v-e-d-o-c-s dot com and that is where you can buy them. Now, what you have to understand, I love educating you more than you have any idea on why I think that it is an absolute must


Suze: that every one of you should have, these must have docs, a living revocable trust, a will, an advanced directive durable power of attorney for health care, as well as a power of attorney for finances.


Suze: And because of technology today, Hay House was able to program


Suze: and bring this alive for all of you


Suze: So again, these are legal documents created by lawyers, not by myself, not by Hay House, but by lawyers. They're good in all 50 states and they are seriously easy to use. So if you go to musthavedocs.com,


Suze: you will see that they are on sale there for $99. But here is what the good news is Hay House, through their generosity is allowing you to share the activation code that you will get when you purchase these documents with your relatives, your loved ones, people that you care about. Who does that


Suze: a company that really cares about you.


Suze: Next, they have programmed these documents so that every time you come back to use them, it's not gonna cost you anything.


Suze: Now, typically these four must have documents. If you went to see a lawyer in most of your situations, it would cost $2500 who has that kind of money?


Suze: But here again, for $99 you get to share it with people. And every time something in your life changes, you get to come back and update your situation for absolutely free. Oh, you went to a lawyer, $500 to change something, maybe $1000.


Suze: Also for those of you, Hay House wanted me to tell you for those of you who already have the Must Have Documents, don't worry when you go back online, your program will be automatically updated for you.


Suze: And this program I've been told is really state of the art. There's online help, there's everything that you could want from email, talking to somebody to be able to ask a question right at the section that maybe you're stuck at.


Suze: So it has been revamped, reprogrammed everything for you. So I really, really hope that you take advantage of it.


Suze: Now, I'm making this a very short podcast and the reason is because I'm in Spain right now as you know, but these were two announcements that I am so excited about. I can't even tell you because both of these things, whether it's the Ultimate Opportunity Savings Account with Alliant Credit Union or the Must Have Documents with Hay House,


Suze: your family needs to educate your kids and to make sure that you protect your kids, your assets yourself and everybody else. So I call these two things, the dynamic duo.


Suze: So are you gonna take advantage of it? I hope so.


Suze: But there's really only one thing that I want you to say every single day and it is as follows today, wherever I go, I will create a more joyful, peaceful and loving world. And if you do that


Suze: and you take advantage of the Ultimate Opportunity, Savings Account for yourself as well as your kids and you get the Must Have Documents at must have docs dot com.


Suze: I promise you you will be unstoppable.


Intro / Outro: Music Out.


Robert: Alliant is insured by NCUA, exclusions apply. Earn a $100 bonus deposit by opening a new kids' savings and or a new teen checking account and meeting the following requirements.


Robert: Offer is valid for new kids savings or teen checking accounts opened from September 10th 2023 through December 31st 2023 funded by transfers and or deposits totaling $100 or more each month for 12 consecutive months and opened by applying online at dot com slash Suze. Remember that's spelled S-U-Z-E.


Robert: Kids Savings and teen checking accounts must be jointly owned with an Alliant member who is either that minor's parent grandparent or legal guardian. The joint owner on the account is the owner of the account and will serve as the primary account contact and shall receive all statements and notices. Joint owner must be 18 or older at the time of the account opening and a legal US resident or US person


Robert: including a US resident alien to be eligible. Existing kids savings accounts and teen checking accounts. And former Alliant members who closed a kid savings account or teen checking account within 180 days of applying for the new account are not eligible. The 1st $100 must be transferred and or deposited within 30 days of account opening.


Robert: And each calendar month after the 1st $100 transfer, deposit funds must need to post to the kids' savings and or savings account that accompanies the teen checking account by the last day of the month account must remain open and in good standing. Maintain an average daily minimum balance


Robert: of $100 and the balance at the end of the 12 calendar month period must be $1200 or more. In order to receive the $100 bonus deposit accounts will be reviewed 12 months from the date of the first transfer slash deposit to determine eligibility if all requirements have been met. After 12 months,


Robert: please allow four weeks for the $100 bonus deposit to post to the kids' savings account and or savings account that accompanies the teen checking account. You will be responsible for any tax liability offer is not transferable and not valid for trusts,


Robert: UTMAs Iras or other tax exempt accounts limit one offer per new Alliant member. All account applications are subject to approval. The account must be opened by 11:59 p.m. Central time


Robert: on December 31st 2023 to be eligible. Alliant reserves the right to modify the terms and conditions or terminate the offer at any time. Please contact Alliant if you require assistance or have any questions. And remember neither Suze Orman Media nor Suze Orman is acting as a certified financial planner advisor, a certified financial analyst, an economist CPA account nor lawyer.


Robert: Neither Suze Orman media nor Suze Orman make any recommendations as to any specific securities or investments. All content contained in this podcast is for informational and general purposes only and does not constitute financial accounting or legal advice. You should


Robert: consult your own tax, legal and financial advisors. Regarding your particular situation, neither Suze Orman Media nor Suze Orman accepts any responsibility for any losses which may arise from accessing or reliance on information in this podcast and to the fullest extent permitted by law, we exclude all liability for loss damages, direct or indirect arising from the use of this information.


Robert: The must have documents discussed in this podcast are legal documents created by a lawyer and distributed by Hay House.

Take advantage of the Ultimate Certificates with Alliant Credit Union at: bit.ly/3kwMcjR

Learn more about the Must Have Documents: musthavedocs.com

Get Suze’s special offers for podcast listeners at suzeorman.com/offer

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