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Get Paid More to Save Safely

Get Paid More to Save Safely

You know I am all for investing money you won’t need for decades in...

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Vacations are an Important Career Move

Vacations are an Important Career Move

According to a national survey, more than half of Americans don’t use all...

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Your Kid’s Summer Job Can be an Amazing Financial Opportunity

Your Kid’s Summer Job Can be an Amazing Financial Opportunity

If your child or grandchild is getting paid for a summer job, it is an...

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What’s Your Plan for Working Longer Before Retiring?

What’s Your Plan for Working Longer Before Retiring?

I am on the record that for anyone worried about if they will have enough...

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The Most Important Financial Priority: What Keeps You Up at Night?

The Most Important Financial Priority: What Keeps You Up at Night?

I know it can be hard to know where to start in building financial...

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Spring into Great Savings

Spring into Great Savings

You could have a great opportunity to boost your financial security in the...

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New Tax Law Could Deliver a Nasty Surprise a Year From Now. Here’s How to Protect Yourself

New Tax Law Could Deliver a Nasty Surprise a Year From Now. Here’s How to Protect Yourself

I know many of you expect the new tax laws will reduce your federal tax...

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2018 is the Worst Year Since 2018 to Carry Credit Card Debt

2018 is the Worst Year Since 2018 to Carry Credit Card Debt

If you just overdid it on the holiday spending, please do your very best to...

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Now is the Time to Get Your Family on Board with a Smart Holiday Plan

Now is the Time to Get Your Family on Board with a Smart Holiday Plan

If you’re honest, I am confident you would tell me that you wish you...

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What Every Woman Needs to Get Schooled On.

What Every Woman Needs to Get Schooled On.

When the American College of Financial Services recently quizzed...

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Avoid These Two Big Retirement Risks When You Land a New Job

Avoid These Two Big Retirement Risks When You Land a New Job

When you land a new job you are going to be totally focused on making a...

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