Lenders like to give home borrowers choices when it comes to their mortgage...
My absolute best advice is to strive to make a 20% down payment when you...
It amazes me that so many homebuyers who spent weeks, if not months...
I spend a lot of time helping people work out a plan for overcoming a...
If you have a child or grandchild who is going to get paid for work this...
I am concerned that many of you are banking on a retirement strategy that...
Nobody likes to see the value of their investment accounts fall, but...
With the Spring home buying rush just around the corner, I want to make...
Last year was a record for automakers. Nearly 17.5 million new cars were...
I don’t know about you, but if I see or hear of one more survey about how...
A recent report that studied the 401(k) savings habits of millions of...
You know I love, love, love Roth IRAs. One of the prime reasons being that...