Podcast Episode - Ask Suze & KT Anything: CDs, Saving for Retirement and Trusts

About Suze, CDs, Investing, Podcast, Retirement, Trusts

August 04, 2022

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Back from their fishing vacation, this episode of Ask Suze & KT Anything, finds Suze answering questions about CDs, whole life insurance, figuring out if you can afford a home and more.

Podcast Transcript:


Suze: August 4, 2022. She's already making me laugh


Suze: everybody.


KT: I just asked her a funny question. I didn't, it didn't come out right.


Suze: Well, it's all right since we're just starting. We don't have to tell them what that was. But anyway, it is August 4, 2022.


KT: Do you believe the summer's almost over, Suze? I can't believe that.


KT: Remember we did a podcast not too long ago, and I told you it was the first day of summer and how happy I was? Well, guess what? It's almost the last day of summer.


Suze: Do we want to welcome everybody


KT: to the Women & Money podcast? Ask KT and Suze – really. It's really ask anything. Anything that's on your mind. Go for it, people. Anything.


Suze: But KT, we're back!


KT: Yeah, we had the best


Suze: Tell everybody. Yes.


KT: Alright. We went. First of all, this was a very touch and go little fishing adventure, because we weren't sure until really that morning


KT: that Suze was going to be able to get on the plane, get off the plane, get on the plane, get off the plane. It took us three flights to get to this little island in the northern section of British Columbia, 20 miles south of Alaska. A pristine, beautiful island. We got there, and Suze just blossomed into... the I think it was the cold. I think she was frozen.


KT: And it just got rid of like her pain any kind of aches, and she was going for it, climbing up and down these wooden steps, carved into the side of hills and mountains and she was great, and she got on the boat and the first day out, she caught a 10 pound coho salmon.


KT: They're very hard to catch and to see Suze bring that in with such grace and ease and expertise, it made made me burst into tears. I'll show you a picture on the, if you go to our Women & Money app on the wall, she'll post a picture of me hugging her crying.


KT: I was crying. But we'll also post a picture of Suze with Emily, the guide and her fish and waited to see how big this thing is. It was awesome and we'll post a picture of me with a halibut.


Suze: See what it is. I did I not tell all of you today, this was going to be one of those days, but KT, did you have a great birthday?


KT: Oh yeah, it started out with the family and my sister Barbara making me a big strawberry rhubarb pie,


KT: and we had the best time. All six of us enjoyed every moment. It was spectacular, so much so that we booked it again next year. Same time, same place.


Suze: So everybody. It was more than any of us had expected in terms of my participation and


Suze: and really just going for it. So I'm thrilled I went for it and I did it. Thank God, that's over with now. Right, KT?


KT: Not thank God. It's a shame it's over. It went so fast. So I have a lot of questions I probably have like a month's worth of questions.


Suze: Wait, wait, but before you start. Okay. Although she kind of started right, everybody,


Suze: I want you to know that next Thursday, so that will be the 11th,


Suze: for the Ask KT and Suze Anything, all the questions will be on inherited IRAs. Because the podcast that I did on Sunday spurred so many questions and you're


Suze: asking, I'm gonna


Suze: save them. And so we're going to do an entire podcast on the questions that you have because there's so


Suze: so many exceptions to the rules and certain things. So I want you to know that if you want to send in a question and possibly be part of that for next Thursday you send in your questions to ask Suze, S-U-Z-E podcast@gmail.com or go to the community app, Women & Money. And you can ask them there. Now


Suze: I want you to pay attention to the community app. I want you to download it, which you can do at Google Play or Apple apps, and I want you to start being part of that because when people are asking questions on the app on my wall, under the podcast that was posted, I'm usually answering the questions right then and there so you might want to participate that way.


Suze: All right, KT, what do you got for us today?


KT: Okay. First question is from Norma. And she says Suze, what do you say to those that say we should take social security at 62 and invest it?


Suze: That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard.


KT: Don't say that. It's stupid. She's saying, what do you say to those who say that.


Suze: I would say to those that say that that is just totally stupid. Because imagine


Suze: it was a year ago. It was January of this year, and you took your social security at 62 which means you took a 30% reduction from what it would have been if you had just waited till 67. Okay? And you started to invest it.


Suze: You would be down 30, 40, 50% right now. And if you think that these markets are going up, up,up over this next year, two, or three, I have a bridge to sell you. You know maybe on Sunday I'll do a podcast in a Suze School on what is seriously worrying me about these markets.Why these are markets and times in my opinion that none of us have ever seen before


Suze: in our lifetime. So I would not be taking a risk with my social security and immediately taking, what? A 30% reduction are you kidding me? Like I said it's just stupid.


KT: Okay next that was a that was a pretty clear answer.


KT: Next one's from Sarah. That that was a stupid question. That's my girl.


Suze: That's my girl. 00:07:20

KT: Okay. Sarah says hello Suze.


Suze: Hello Sarah.


KT: What is the difference between a bank CD and a brokered CD? Thanks for providing all your helpful info.


Suze: I should have made that your quizzie.


KT: There's no difference there.


Suze: Most certainly is.


KT: What is it?


Suze: Alright so a bank CD, or even a CD at a credit union, you go into that institution or online, and you buy a certificate of deposit where they give you a specific interest rate for a specific period of time.


Suze: When you do a brokered CD, you're buying a certificate of deposit through your financial advisor who works at a brokerage firm. Now, they can buy and sell any brokered CDs they want. So if you want to get out of it,


Suze: you could sell it, you could find all different types of offers through certificate of deposit at a broker, versus just one kind of CD at the bank or credit union. KT Did that make sense to you?


KT: No. I mean the bank or credit union has one way, or the highway. The brokerage firm has a number of options that you can liquidate it, sell it, trade it in, up it, down it. Yeah.


Suze: Okay.


KT: I got it. That's my that's my answer. Everyone got my answer. Which one's better?


Suze: It just depends what your firm the firms are offering you.


KT: Okay. Okay next question is from Lucy. And Suze, let's just help clarify for Lucy and everyone out there. That may be a little confused. I'm not confused at all. I'll tell you why. Here's the question. Hi Suze, can I take money out of the trust that I funded? How does that work?


KT: So I think you have to explain to people what a trust is.


Suze: Let me read this email.


Suze: So it goes on to say, she puts money into a trust and she wants to take money out years down the road to buy a house or some land, can she do that? Right everybody, let's get this straight. Let's say you want to set up, and all of you should want to, a living revocable trust. All that means is that you change the title


Suze: from your bank account, from Suze Orman, into Suze Orman trustee for the Suze Orman Living Revocable Trust. Nothing else changes. Okay?


Suze: I can write checks, I can take money out, I can put money in. Nothing changes my taxes. Property taxes don't change, when I do it with my home, nothing changes. The only thing that changes is that it's now held in trust


Suze: so that when you die it passes to your beneficiaries without probate. And if you become incapacitated, you have named within the trust a successor trustee,


Suze: that can take over all of your financial situation for you and take care of you.


KT: So what you're telling everyone is a trust isn't a financial bank account. It's just a title name for the ones you already had.


Suze: Yeah, you're just changing title, you're not changing how anything works, period. So you can take your money out, you can do anything you want with it.


KT: Whenever you want.


Suze: Whenever. Right, KT?


KT: This is from johnny


KT: Makes me


KT: miss my brother. We call him Johnny.


Suze: Johnny


KT: Johnny. He's in the UK. Now. We all call him Johnny Boy.


Suze: Having the time of his life.


KT: All right, Johnny. All right. This is from Johnny. Suze and KT. What are


KT: the best types of assets to put in a taxable brokerage account? ETFs, mutual funds, individual stocks or certain bonds? I'm trying to clean up my brokerage account to grow, but with minimum tax hit. So I don't even know what a taxable brokerage is.


KT: I don't know what that means. Possible brokerage account.


Suze: You have a few.


KT: Okay, so tell everyone. And Johnny what it is.


Suze: And KT


Suze: you


Suze: have retirement accounts that are tax deferred or tax free if they're a Roth. Okay?


Suze: When you have other investment accounts, when you go and you buy something and sell it, if you made money, it's taxable. If you lost money, hopefully it's a tax loss. So you could offset it. So every single account that's just simply in an


Suze: investment account where you open it up in your individual name, you open it up in your trust name, you open it up in joint tenancy with your spouse or whatever Johnny, that is what a taxable account is. I did that for KT, everybody, But Johnny for you what you would want


KT: But that's not nice.


KT: What is that? Just


KT: tell johnny what it is.


Suze: I just told you what it was. But anyway, so when you have an account like that, you want to invest in things that are not going to generate a lot of taxes for you. So you buy an individual stock. As long as you keep that stock, it can grow and grow and grow or not.


Suze: And until you sell it, there's no taxable event. So when you have individual stocks, you're more apt to buy and sell those as things change. Exchange traded funds, as well as mutual funds that are index funds,


Suze: those would be the perfect thing as well to hold where? Into an investment account. Because usually you don't have any capital gains on there until you sell them. And with an exchange traded fund, or a mutual fund and all mutual funds in my opinion should be no-load ones that you do not pay commission on.


Suze: You normally don't sell those. Those you keep because they're diversified for a long, long time. If you want, you can have certain bonds within a brokerage account, or an investment account, especially if they're municipal bonds, because they generate tax free income for you.


Suze: You just want to put in that account, things that you're not going to buy, sell, buy sell, buy sell. Those are things that are better off in a retirement account.


KT: Okay, everybody, ready? Want to see Suze get hot under the collar?


Suze: That means it's about whole life insurance.


KT: Hey Suze and KT. This is from Lauren. We met with a financial advisor today and asked what are good savings investment options outside of a 529 plan for our two children, five and six years old. Okay, remember that everyone. Two kids, five and six years old. The advisor, he recommended a whole life policy that is paid up at 20.


KT: I know you dislike whole life policies, but how do you feel about the one as an investment vehicle for young children? All right, you ready, Suze? You should see your face. I can't even look that direction.


KT: I cannot even look at her face. She has a face and an expression of not only disgust, but disbelief.


KT: All right, go for it.


Suze: I'm really speechless.


KT: Alright. She's speechless. Can I answer it?


Suze: No.


KT: You better tell them.


Suze: So, Lauren, I need you to seriously listen to me.


Suze: You have two children that are five and six years of age. Now, do you and your spouse right have a term life insurance policy to protect them in case you and your spouse happen to die? Okay, I don't have a problem with that at all.


Suze: But to waste money. How dare that financial advisor even suggest that, when you could do what? You could be putting money right now into Series I bonds for them, and depending on your income, when you go to take money out of Series I bonds later on for higher education costs, you don't have to pay taxes on it, you're ahead of inflation, you're keeping it safe. Really?


Suze: That could not be, I don't even.


KT: She's really mad because she knows that that advisor or agent is making a huge income and they're making a whole lot of money up front.


Suze: So how do I feel about that as an investment for young children?


KT: It's not fair.


Suze: Really, really?


Suze: I hope you never go back into that person's office again.


KT: Alright, this is from Karen, Suze, if you had to choose between funding a Roth IRA or getting a Series I bond, which do you recommend?


KT: And this is for someone who's 55. I don't know if that's for Karen, or someone she knows who's 55.


Suze: Right now, Karen, the advice I'm gonna give you is for right now at this period of time. So for those of you who may be listening to this three or four years from now,


Suze: at the first time and you're hearing it, please pay attention to the dates that these podcasts are recorded, because every date means something. This advice will not hold true in a few years from now. Currently, Series I bonds if you buy one right now,


Suze: are offering 9.62% for you for the next six months. Now obviously, you only get half of that because you're holding it for six months. After those six months, it will be November, the new I bond rate will be established. You'll get whatever that is. It is very possible. It could be 10, 11,12%.


Suze: So right now if I were you, I would be taking advantage of the certainty of the interest rates that I bonds are giving you, versus the uncertainty that a Roth IRA would be giving you. Because if you invested in a Roth right now I have to tell you, I'm not even sure what I would tell you to invest in


Suze: so that you didn't suffer losses. And I'll talk about that more on Sunday. But I would go for the known versus the unknown, and the known right now is Series I bonds. Go for it girlfriend. Did that surprise you, KT?


KT: It did a little bit. But I think the most important information here is pay attention to the day Suze gave you this advice. The timing is everything everyone.


KT: Next question is from Camille. This is a very sweet question. She says hi KT and Suze, I'm not married. When I die, can I allocate my social security benefits to my brother?


KT: No, you can't Camille. But I thought that was


Suze: No. Do you hear the difference


Suze: between KT’s answer and mine?


KT: It's kind of you to think about your brother and I hope he knows that you love him that much.


Suze: Actually, you cannot allocate your Social Security benefits, really, to anybody other than a spouse. So if your Social Security benefits for those of you listening who are married,


Suze: so if your Social Security benefit is higher than your spouse's, upon your death, your spouse will start to collect yours. If your spouse's benefit is higher than yours when you die, they'll just keep collecting there's. So it's really just that simple.


KT: Alright. Next is from Tanya and Campbell. Our 18 year old daughter, graduated from high school in May. She started her first job. She will continue to work as she goes to college. Having listened to you for years, often with my encouragement, she's opened a Roth IRA at Vanguard. Good for her. Right, Suze?


KT: She has an initial investment of $1,000. She now wants to invest in VTI. The question which is Vanguard Total Index Fund. Right? Yeah. Our question is should she dollar cost average the initial investment or just the monthly amounts after the 1,000 lump sum investment? So let's give


KT: let's give their daughter, I don't have the daughter's name. But let's give her some advice. She's 18.


Suze: Alright, so this this is what I would tell you, is that at this point in time the market's really have had - remember this is August 4th 2022. The market's really did extraordinarily well in the month of July.


Suze: I don't think it's gonna hold, everybody. I know a lot of you are writing and go, the markets hit its bottom. We’re there. It's going to go straight up. No, it is not in my opinion. Now. I hope I'm wrong. I just don't think I am. I think you'll see it go up, go down. I think you may even see it hit a high around the middle of September, then go back down again. I think we're in a rough time overall.


Suze: So I would be dollar cost averaging. So, I would not be putting $1,000 lump sum into the market right now. I would wait a little bit to tell you the truth, and then I would be putting maybe $100 a month into the market by dollar cost averaging. So


KT: ready. Next question is,


KT: hi ladies, I was wondering if I have both an LLC, and an S corp, am I allowed to purchase I bonds under both those entities? I'm gonna give them the answer: YEA BABY!


Suze: Now let's tell them that story.


KT: Okay, so we're on the boat fishing, and every time we caught a fish, we would scream and shout, yeah, baby! And Emily, our guide who's Canadian and rather conservative young 30 year old woman thought that was the funniest thing she ever heard all these old ladies screaming. Yeah, baby. Yeah, baby. And she wrote to Suze and I


KT: and she said never in her life has anyone pulled her aside and said, okay, we called you the party boat. Yeah, baby. They heard us echoing throughout the entire, I don't know what it's called, the island waters in British Columbia.


KT: And now Emily has this reputation of being yeah, baby. So it was fun. Suze, this is my last question.


Suze: Before you asked the last question, tell the sad story about Emily.


KT: Emily is 30 years old and she feel, and she's unbelievably


Suze: talented,


Suze: a beautiful writer. We'll put a picture of her, you


KT: We’ll put a photo of her with


KT: Suze, she


KT: felt lost and she feels less than when it comes to her financial accomplishments. And we looked at each other and said, are you kidding me? Um so she's 30 years old and she's in, in a job, and a world that


KT: um is not that conducive for women.


Suze: This is a great story was because she really didn't know who I was, because in Canada, I've never really been


KT: No she’s young and you’re old Suze.


Suze: She’s young and I'm old, it's true, right? And and so when I said, Emily,


Suze: I was a waitress at the age of 30. She lit up


Suze: like,


Suze: there's hope.


KT: And of course there's hope, but so for she felt, she felt less than because she said, I don't own a home,


KT: I don't have a significant savings. I don't think she's living paycheck to paycheck, but she's tight.


Suze: Well, you know, you only fish for a season. But the main reason I wanted KT to tell that story, is that I know a lot on the Women & Money podcast and everyone's smart enough to listen, we hear things many times towards women and and others, right, who


Suze: really are older. Because as you get older, it's as if nobody really cares anything towards you. They don't do podcasts like this. Everything is always for advertising dollars, and the millennials and this and that,


Suze: But I just want all of you to know this podcast really is for everybody. And there's always hope. Never forget that. Suze Orman was a waitress for seven years making $400 a month until she was 30 years of age. Now look at me now. what's your last one KT?


KT: Okay, this one is from Steve.


KT: Dear KT and Suze, you recommend to budget 40% over the actual mortgage


KT: payment,


KT: what if your payment already has taxes and insurance added to the total you pay through the escrow account?


KT: Do you still use 40% I guess the 40% model, or does the percentage change?


Suze: So let's explain that to everybody first.


KT: Steve has a good question here. But you need to know a little bit of the backstory. So Suze will set it up.


Suze: So normally when you go to buy a home, you write in and say Suze, how do I know how much of a home can I afford?


Suze: And I always tell you because the mistake that you make is that if you have a rent payment for $1,000 a month, good luck. But let's just say you do, and then you have a mortgage payment for $1,000 a month, you think you can afford to buy a home. And the truth of the matter is besides the mortgage payment, you have property taxes, you have insurance, and you have maintenance costs. So I've always said,


Suze: always budget 40% over the mortgage payment, so that you know that you can afford it. So in that case it would be $400 more, which is $1,400 a month. And for six months playhouse. Pay your rent of $1,000, and put $400 a month away in the Alliant Credit Union.


Suze: Make a good interest rate. Get that $100 bonus right at the end of 12 months. And if it wasn't a strain for you at the end of six months, you'll know you can afford it.


Suze: So Steve is asking, but if we are paying through an escrow account, do we still do 40%? And when you pay to your mortgage company, your property taxes and your insurance, they hold it in escrow for you. Now. Before I go on and answer this question, I know this is long. But KT, it's important. None of you should have an escrow account.


Suze: Years ago, or even a year ago, when interest rates were so low, it really didn't make sense for you to keep your insurance and your property taxes in a savings account, because you weren't making any interest. It was at 0%.


Suze: Now, why let the financial institution keep your money and make 1.4%, which is the new interest rate by the way, that Alliant Credit Union is paying as interest rates continue to go up, they will pay more. So put your own taxes and insurance in your own savings account. Do not do an escrow account.


Suze: So that's what I would tell you Steve. But if you are doing that, and you're playing house to see how much more you can afford, you would put about $200 a month away. Because that's usually what maintenance comes out to be.


Suze: You look so bored.


Suze: People.


Suze: What is wrong with her? Do you really want quick answers?


Suze: You


Suze: know what I think is wrong with KT,


Suze: she now for over 20 years, has sat in studios, or on TV, or whatever. And listen to me answer these questions over and over again. And KT, I just think you're plumb board when I do.


KT: Sometimes. Only if the Roth word comes up.


Suze: Alright, well let's see how bored you are with this quizzie, my dear. Because this is now quizzie time where I ask KT and all of you a question, and let's see if you can answer it as KT is yawning here.


KT: Go ahead, do it.


Suze: You're tired?


KT: I am.


Suze: Did you not sleep well last night? Why not?


KT: I told you I had a nightmare


KT: and we talked about it.


Suze: I know every morning we wake up, wake up


KT: I say Suze did you dream? And she always says yes. I said what was it? I don't remember. And I say want to hear mine? And I tell her my dreams.


Suze: An hour and a half later. Talk about being bored. Anyway. Hi Suze. I've become a loyal listener and look forward to your episodes each week. I am however overwhelmed with the best direction for my husband and I.


Suze: First of all it should be Michelle, my husband and me but just saying. Alright, my first specific question is do I invest $10,000 in I bonds KT, now, or put $10,000 towards our $15,000 credit card debt. We do have a 12-month emergency fund intact, and just came into this money. Thanks for considering.


KT: My gut feeling says you should get rid of the debt because you'll feel better, but the smart answer would probably be to take advantage of right now, the benefit of the I bond investment, especially $10,000.


Suze: Is that


Suze: your final answer?


KT: Well, it depends.


Suze: Come on, don't be long winded. Alright, so I can't give you an ehhhhh. Or a Ding Ding Ding. And the reason is this your answer of it depends was correct.


Suze: Now the real answer to this depends on what is the interest rate that's being offered on your credit card to you right now? Are you paying 15%? Are you paying 20%? Are you paying 23%?


Suze: Are you in a credit card, where as the feds continue to raise interest rates,


Suze: that your interest rate on this credit card is going to go up as well. So given that that is probably the situation, I have to tell you, I would be paying off my credit card debt.


KT: And don't you think she'll feel better?


Suze: Of course she'll feel better. However,


KT: That’s a lot of money.


Suze: Would do something else, KT? No. Alright. So


Suze: you also have a 12-month emergency fund.


Suze: If I were you, and I had a very high interest rate. And high interest rate on a credit card in my opinion is anything over 5,6,7,8% are up there. Yeah, because you're not making that on your money where? In your savings account. So therefore, your emergency fund is probably in a savings account somewhere.


Suze: Therefore, if you have $10,000, I would get rid of $10,000 of credit card debt if my assumption is correct, that your interest rate is really high, and I would probably, depending on what your 12-month emergency fund


Suze: is, how large, I would take $5,000 from there, get rid of my credit card debt altogether. If you get into trouble, you now have $15,000 on credit cards that you can start buying things with. If you really get into trouble somehow again, then you would take the money that you were putting towards your credit card debt, and replenish your emergency fund.


Suze: Once your emergency fund has been replenished, I would then do what? I would start to be putting money in to I bonds. You don't have to put $10,000 all at once in an I bond. KT, what is the minimum? Come on. Yeah. Come on.


KT: $25!


Suze: Good, KT. Alright. Everybody that brings us to the end.


Suze: Any other updates you want to give?


KT: No. Go look at the fish. Yeah, we we actually we didn't catch as much fish this season as we did before COVID, but boy, we had fun.


Suze: You know why we didn't catch much fish?


KT: Because you couldn't fish. Suze couldn't she only caught one. Everyone's allowed eight fish. And Suze was only able to bring in one with her, you know, arm in her condition.


KT: But we tried.


Suze: But anyway, but


KT: I I caught almost all of mine.


Suze: But we had Barb and Sophia, KT's sister, my sister-in-law and our niece on the boat, and I learned a big lesson.


Suze: Right, which is having fun with everybody even though they lost almost every fish they tried to bring in, but that's besides the point, is more important than


Suze: right then


Suze: catching fish. Alright, so don't forget to look at the pictures on the Women & Money community app. And until Sunday KT, what do you want to tell everybody?


KT: I want you all to stay safe.


Suze: What else?


KT: Strong.


Suze: What else?


KT: And secure.


Suze: what else? One more, I added one more: Smart. I want everybody to be smart. Which means you're not going to buy

Suze: (KT says: They are smart!) Not if you buy whole life insurance policies, you're


Suze: not. (KT says: All you have to do is be safe, strong and secure) Smart. (KT: You're smart. You're all smart.)


Suze: Not if they listen to certain people!


KT: Okay, we love you.


Suze: All right, everybody. Bye bye now.


KT: Bye!

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