Podcast Episode - Ask Suze & KT Anything: To Remodel or Not To Remodel?

Investing, Retirement, Saving

April 13, 2023

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On this episode of Ask Suze & KT Anything, Suze answers questions about waiting to take Social Security, transferring from a ROTH to an annuity, inherited IRAs, RMDs and more!

Podcast Transcript:


Suze: April 13th, 2023. Welcome everybody to the Women and Money podcast and everybody smart enough to listen. This is the...


KT: KT and Suze anything any way, any way anyhow.


Suze: Do you know why? She's a little bit off there? Let me just tell you. So we sit down to do this podcast and she's on her iphone.


KT: Wait, I'm on my iphone. I'm going. Hm. Oh hm. Suze said, what are you doing? I said nothing and I said, are you ready? And she said, yeah, she said, what are you doing? What's this? Hm. Hm. And I said, I'm looking up radish recipes.


Suze: So that's what we're doing right now. Just so, you know, radish recipes.


KT: I have an abundant of radishes from my garden and I don't really eat radishes.


Suze: So I'm figuring out well, if you don't eat radishes, I don't eat radishes. Why did we grow radishes?


KT: Because Barbara puts them on avocado toast and it's delicious...


Suze: Tell everybody who Barbara is.


KT: My sister, my little sister.


Suze: So because she has a little sister, everybody that eats radishes, the little sister that happens to live in Colorado. We in our garden there on the island, grow radishes. And with that KT... a few things I just want to say before we begin. So one week from today, guess what we're doing, you should see her face


KT: A week from today, what are we doing?


Suze: We are replaying the webinar that I did a few weeks ago where over 66,000 people watched it for one full hour. And so many of you have requested it that in fact, we will be replaying it again on April 20th.


Suze: All you have to do is go to Suze Orman dot com slash webinar. Sign up there. It's free. It will air at 6pm East coast time, 3pm on Pacific time. And I'm sure there will be replays. I just want to say to everybody. However, since I did that webinar, especially with a few stocks, P X D being one of them,


Suze: it has skyrocketed since then. So just if you watch it, take into consideration the advice that I was giving two weeks ago has not changed, but that it's, it's a little bit different. It's been, it's got to be tweaked, but I can't tweak it because it's not live anymore.


KT: But it's packed with great information if you missed it, make sure you watch it again. All right.


Suze: Well KT, if thy missed it. How do they watch it again?


KT: Make sure you watch it.


Suze: There we go. Radishes and all girlfriend.


KT: I have a stack of questions in front of me. So, Suze, first question is from ET. Hello, Suze.


Suze: Is it from outer space? No, just an E T.


KT: Ok. Ready? Do we still have to prepare a will, even though our assets are only the CDs at Alliant?


KT: We rent an apartment. We both have a paid for car. I have my own account and my beneficiary is my daughter. He has four kids from a previous marriage. They're all adults. Thank you very much for your help.


Suze: So ET, here's the simple answer which is as long as all your beneficiaries


Suze: are not minors, you can just leave that money to them via a pay on death account. And it's that simple and you don't need a will. However, you might want to listen to one of my podcasts on why you should absolutely still have the must have documents. KT, next question.


KT: Ok, Suze, next question from Kimberley. Hi, Suze. What are your thoughts on a second to die


KT: life insurance policy?


Suze: KT, there is nothing funny about a second to die policy.


KT: Does it means you die twice. I don't get this. Wait, what are your thoughts on a second to die life insurance policy as a means to fund a special needs trust. Once the parents of an autistic child have died. I don't know what a second to die life insurance policy is.


Suze: Should this be your quizzie?


KT: No, just tell me what is it.


Suze: All right. So KT and everybody else... a second to die life insurance policy really is also known as a survivorship policy. It's this kind of type of,


Suze: of life insurance policy that covers two people but pays out at the death of only after both of you have passed away. A lot of people get second to die policies when they have a huge estate that's above the estate tax limits. However,


Suze: it's also a great idea to do exactly what this person asked about because the benefit of using a second to die life insurance policy to fund a special needs trust, is that it can provide a lump sum of money to the trust after both parents have passed away. And this can ensure to help that their child who has special needs, will have financial support for the rest of his or her life. Now,


Suze: the truth is you may be thinking KT, well, why don't they just each get a separate life insurance policy? Why do they both need to have one life insurance policy? And it only pays when they both die? And the answer to that is, it's more affordable than individual life insurance policies for each parent. So, here's the bottom line. If you have a child


Suze: that is on SSI, you can't not leave them money outright or they'll be kicked off of SSI an d it will be a mess. So you create a special needs, trust for them and you fund it in whatever way you can.


Suze: But if you don't have the money to fund it and you need to still take care of that child or children. This is a great way to do it, if you happen to be married. KT did that make sense to you?


KT: It does make sense. Now, I understand what it actually means. So this next question from Regina, I'm titling it "to remodel or not." Did you like that to remodel or not?


Suze: I heard that KT I didn't somehow think that it was as funny as you think it is. She has the biggest smile on her face. What do you find so cute about...


KT: To remodel or not? OK. Ready. That's a Shakespearean title. I am 55 years old.


Suze: Wait, wait, stop. What does that mean? How is that Shakespearean? I want you to explain.


KT: To remodel or not.


Suze: What is it? What does it come from to what or what? You don't know? All right and why me everybody.


Suze: All right. It's one of those days it started with those radishes. OK, go on!


KT: OK. I am 55 years old. I'm a homeowner. I have 32,000 left to pay on my home. My only other debt is 11,000 on a credit card with zero interest, which I pay $485 a month. I have a one year emergency fund, 11,000 in additional bank account savings


KT: that include the Alliant savings account. I have three Roth accounts mutual funds. She goes on and on. So she's got all in with her TSP Roths about 150,000 plus a traditional IRA with about 300,000.


Suze: But wait, wait, stop, seriously, for a second. This is a woman who's 55 years of age, right? She still owes $32,000 on her home.


Suze: She still has $11,000 of credit card debt, which means she still spends more than she should be even though she has about, would you say four or $500,000 in savings altogether? All right. Go on.


KT: I would like to know. Well, first let me finish this,


KT: the remodel is estimated to cost 15 to $20,000. I would like to know if I should use the funds from one of these accounts or apply for a HELOC. So she said, Suze, I eagerly await your answer.


Suze: So to remodel or not, whatever that means Shakespeare, right? But here's the thing, my dear Regina in this type of an interest rate environment. The last thing you would ever want to do is a home equity line of credit. You have money in an account, especially Roth accounts. And if I were you,


Suze: if you were going to remodel, I would do it that way versus a home equity line of credit. However, this is not the time that I would be remodeling. So I would not be doing it. Why? Because inflation is still here. Labor is still high. You still have materials that are high. KT and I can tell you, we just did a little remodel as well.


Suze: did we not, KT on a condo in Florida? And X turned into three X. It never fails. So it's not that all it's gonna cost you is 15 to 20,000 because you said it's an estimated cost. By the time it's done, it will be 40 or $50,000 and you still have $11,000 of credit card debt. Once you have paid off all your credit card debt,


Suze: um maybe we can consider if you should do what KT?


KT: Remodel or not. There you go. Hi, Suze. I know that you recommend we all wait to take social security income at the max rate at age 70. This made sense to me. However, now I'm reading that you have to pay taxes on income over 25,000.


KT: I'm sure you've considered this in your advice. But can you explain why or how it's still beneficial to wait till 70 to get the extra benefits.


Suze: Is that a quizzie?


KT: No.


Suze: All right. So listen to me Vicky. Go back in time in terms of one of the podcasts that I did about social security and taxation. The truth of the matter is if you make over a specific sum of money, depending if you happen to be single or married or whatever, you will owe taxes on a percentage of your social security. The maximum percentage that you will ever owe taxes on is usually 85%.


Suze: Therefore, it doesn't matter. I rather see you do what? Get more money later on in life. A whole lot more money. Not just a little bit, you would get almost 76% more if you took it at 70 than if you did at 62. That is a lot of money, Vicky and all the taxes in the world. If you are not in a high tax bracket,


Suze: it's not gonna matter to you. So just wait till 70. (Sigh)


KT: Next question from Alana. Are you exhausted? We're not even like a quarter through my list of questions...


Suze: It's not that I'm exhausted. It's I'll tell you what I am.


KT: Tell me what you are. What are you?


Suze: I've been reading so many emails because KT you know, I go through the emails and as well as the questions that many of you are asking on the Women and Money Community app, which by the way you could download for free by going to Apple Apps or Google Play, search for women and Money and there's a fabulous community there.


Suze: But some of you are getting the worst information I have ever read or heard in my life. It makes me so concerned, so concerned because I am concerned about you. You know, I just have to say this, I'll never forget because it was just this month really,


Suze: you know, back in 2015, believe it or not, eight years ago that I signed off on the Suze Orman show and I'll never forget, at the very end, I wanted to cry. I didn't want to cry because I was signing off because it was my choice to end it. I wanted to cry because I was like, and I said this, who's gonna take care of all of you?


Suze: Where are you going to get correct information so that you get the most out of your money? And then when I hear things like that,


Suze: I know that it's not Vicky or whatever. It's somebody told her that and now she's afraid and maybe would have chosen to make a serious mistake by collecting social security earlier. That's why you see me like that.


KT: It's frustrating.


Suze: No... it's  more than frustrating. It makes me so sad.


KT: Well, then you better keep doing this podcast.


Suze: I guess so and you better doing it with me as long as you're not too busy harvesting radishes. And looking up recipes so that Barbara who doesn't even live here can eat that. All right.


KT: This is from Alana. Good morning, I'm interested in your thoughts of transferring $438,000 from a Roth IRA to a market index annuity.


KT: I'm 55. 10 year commitment promises 14% on the first year. Then each year after I would get 50% of the average of the stock market. I didn't, I didn't know that that's how they work. Or at least this one works.


Suze: You didn't listen last Sunday podcast, did you?


KT: No, I didn't.


Suze: And that's because you had a house full of your loved ones there. But this is exactly what that was about.


Suze: You need to listen seriously to last Sunday's podcast. You are not to do this. You are not to do this. I don't care if your money was in a traditional IRA and you were thinking about doing it into a Roth IRA. That would be the biggest mistake of your life because all 438,000 would be taxable to you if it's in a Roth IRA because I never know for sure if you have all of you have your terminology correct.


Suze: You are not to do this as well because there are fees in, an indexed annuity. 14% who pays you 14%? Some company that is suckering you in so that they entice you. But yet you have to make a 10 year commitment till you are. 65 years of age.


Suze: Are you kidding me? You are just a few years away from being able to take any money you want. If it's in a Roth IRA, out without taxes or penalties, you have the ability to do what, leave it to your beneficiaries upon your death without any taxes or penalties. All because 14% for the first year and after that, you would get only 50% of the average stock market. So if the market went up 10% you would get only 5% of that?


Suze: You're never going to make your money back. You are not to do it. This is one of the worst market index annuities I've ever even heard of. Don't do it.


KT: So Judy says, Suze, I read that I should get out of I Bonds now, please tell me how this is done. How do I cash them in? I need


KT: specifics, please also, should I wait for three months? Meaning July to do it or now I bought them last April, please, Suze, I need your help now.


Suze: Judy, I am begging you to listen to me. I don't know where you read that you should get out of I bonds now. But wherever you read that, can you do me a favor


Suze: if it's an email or a text, block them from you, if it was a newspaper article or a magazine, never read that publication again. That is


Suze: 100% incorrect advice, especially because you bought them last April, you're gonna leave your money right there. Do you hear me? Why do you want to get out? Remember your money is compounding. It's still compounding at a nice rate. When everything again is issued come, this May


Suze: probably it'll be about three, three and a half percent right around there. We'll see what happens, but all your money then will be making still a great average interest rate and you're just gonna wait and listen till I tell you on this podcast that you should get out of I bonds. But you are not repeat with me, my dear Judy.


Suze: You are not going to take money out of I bonds right now. If you want to make one of the biggest mistakes of your life because you bought Last April very different if you might be buying in the future. But because you bought last April when rates were so great. Oh my God. Right. Then if you wanted to get money out, all you do is you contact Treasury direct dot gov


Suze: and you redeem your I bond there, goes directly into your bank account, whatever amount of money that you wanted to redeem and you will owe a three month interest penalty on it along with ordinary income taxes on the interest. So just do me a favor, stop reading


Suze: whatever it was you were reading and just continue to listen to the Women and Money podcast.


KT: Next question says, hello, Suze and KT.


Suze: And by the way, everybody so sorry to interrupt you, my love. Right? But this Sunday, I will be doing a podcast on if I think you should be buying I bonds for this auction coming up in May or not. And my philosophy of why I think what I'm thinking. All right, KT.


KT: Ok. Next question, Suze and KT. My father's retired and has about $20,000 in an IRA. He does not have a 401k. So he will turn 73 next year. What happens if he does not take RMD? What is a penalty? And how will he pay that penalty? Will he have to send a check to the IRS?


Suze: So here's the thing when they say RMD, that stands for required minimum distribution and when they say required, it means it is required and you're lucky because in 2023 the law changed


Suze: and the penalty for not taking the required minimum distribution in the year that you need to take it, has been reduced from 50 five oh percent to 25%.


Suze: However, that penalty can be further reduced to 10% if it's fixed during what they call the correction window. And the correction window begins on the date that the tax is imposed. So that's what you need to know. So it's either the earliest or when you will receive a notice of deficiency mailed to your father


Suze: And the tax is assessed by the IRS or the last day of the second tax year after the tax is imposed. That is the official ruling of how it works. But what you need to know really is that you need to make sure that he pays it. Because why do you want to be penalized? You're not going to get around it.


Suze: So you will go and if you don't know how to figure it out, go to see a tax person or whatever, it's not gonna be that much money because there's only $20,000 in there. So, you know, maybe he'll have to take out $2000 or whatever it may be, but just make sure that he does it.


KT: Ok. Next question is from Andy, hey, Suze and KT, love you both so much.


KT: My dad had a trust and he put everything in it, this backfired on us because his IRA was left to the trust. So we are being told we can't get inherited IRAs and now have to pay taxes on the money distributed by the end of five years. Should I just name beneficiaries on my retirement accounts and CDs?


Suze: The answer to that is no. Listen again, you can search on the Women and Money app for past podcasts. I did a whole podcast on Inherited IRAs and the new laws and why you absolutely, if you have the correct


Suze: kind of trust can leave the trust as the beneficiary and not have to take it out in just five years. So all of you should know this: for the trust to be considered valid and legal under state law,


Suze: which typically means that you created the trust document, it's been witnessed and it's been notarized which all of you know, you need to do.


Suze: The trust must be irrevocable upon the plan owner's death. That's number one, meaning that the listed beneficiaries, the people who are gonna get the money that they can be changed up to the point where the IRA owner passes away, but not after that.


Suze: All beneficiaries must be easily identified and eligible and legally named. That's what's called a see through trust.


Suze: That when you look at the trust, the document, you can see right through it, so to speak as to who... who is going to get this money. It's really just that simple. So obviously,


Suze: your father did not have the right kind of trust. Therefore, they're making all of you take the money at the end of five years versus at the end of 10 years. I just also want to say that if your father died


Suze: at a time when he was old enough to have to take required minimum distributions, since we just had this question here, right? When you have a see through trust that has many beneficiaries, let's say it's you and your family members whatever


Suze: then rather than all of you having to do the same thing. A lot of times what happens when it's in a see-through trust, which is normally just a good trust that's set up correctly. They're going to split all the inherited IRA separately so that you each have your own just so, you know, so do not be afraid to have a trust as a beneficiary. However,


Suze: I will still tell you if you are married, your primary beneficiary of any retirement account should be your spouse, secondary beneficiary should be the living revocable trust. Because a spouse has certain benefits that nobody else has. But again, that's all in a past podcast for you,


KT: Suze, next question from Jan. Hi, Suze. I've been listening to your podcast regularly and my question during the Annuities podcast, I heard money placed in an ETF or index market fund withdrawn would be taxable as capital gain. Is there a first in and last out rule that applies to this?


Suze: So I don't know what annuity podcast you were listening to Jan. But I never ever said that. What did I say? Any money that's in a variable annuity or an indexed annuity when you go to take money out will be taxed to you as ordinary income. What I said to you is it makes no sense to own a variable annuity within a retirement account.


Suze: None whatsoever. Number one, but it makes no sense as well to own a variable annuity outside of a retirement account. Because if you bought those exact same mutual funds outside of a retirement account or an exchange traded fund, outside of a retirement account, you pay capital gains tax on it once you've owned it for over one year if you go to sell.


Suze: But if it's in an annuity outside of a retirement account, when you go to withdraw money, it is always ordinary income and it is not first in last out, it's last in first out. So it's always interest my love. It is never your principle coming out.


KT: That's good.


Suze: You know, there was a time I think in August of '82 they may have changed it. It used to be right first in first out. So I was selling in the eighties, so many people into annuities at 14%. So we could lock in 14% and they could take out the 10% a year. But the 10% came in from their principle because it was the first in first out. So it was tax free.


Suze: And for 10 years, we took out money, tax free and then the rest was all taxable. But oh, it was the best thing until they got rid of them. There were there so many great ways to make money back then.


KT: So this is an interesting question from Rob, dear Suze and KT. I love your show. We love that. You love the show, Rob.


KT: You have told us that Treasury bills, notes and bonds are backed by the full faith and credit of the US government, when we buy them at treasury direct dot gov.


Suze: I did not say that.


KT: Well, wait, what about when I buy them through a discount brokerage? Do I have to be mindful of SIPC limits? Say at Fidelity?


Suze: Now stop, stop. I don't want... I want to stop here, really.


Suze: Let me stop it here because I didn't say that Rob, what I said was no matter where you buy a treasury, it does not have to be from Treasury direct dot gov. In fact, Treasury Direct dot gov is a real pain, if you ask me to buy anything, you have to buy series I bonds there because they're not sold anywhere else, but I would not be buying treasury bill bonds or notes from them because


Suze: again, they are just archaic. So the truth of the matter is, all you have to know is all treasuries, no matter where you buy them are backed by the full faith and authority of the United States government. SIPC is about what it's about if the brokerage firm that you are with happens to go under, but you're gonna be fine no matter what if you're in individual treasury


Suze: and KT and I can tell you we have a serious sum of money at a brokerage firm. Many brokerage firms actually that um we have individual treasuries far above any SIPC insurance or anything like that. All right.


KT: Suze, it's quizzie time!


Suze: This is a really, really easy quizzie.


KT: Ok, I'm ready. Is everyone else ready?


Suze: Right. So this is where I ask all of you a question. You need to think about it and answer it because this is how we educate you to make sure that you are listening to what I am trying to teach you. So answer a question as if you were me.


Suze: Hi, Suze and KT, love your podcast. I have a Roth Ira at Vanguard. I would like to open a new Roth IRA at Alliant Credit Union. Would my new Roth at Alliant


Suze: have a new five year wait period to withdraw earnings. Also, I assume I could have Vanguard, transfer some funds to my new Roth IRA at Allilant, correct? So the real question here, everybody is as you know, when it comes to a Roth IRA,


Suze: you can withdraw any money that you originally put in at any time without taxes or penalties, regardless of your age. The money that, that money earns however, has to be in there for at least five years and until you are 59 a half years of age


Suze: for you to withdraw the earnings of that money tax free.


Suze: When you start a Roth IRA, whether it's with a dollar, $10 whatever it may be, the five year clock starts, this person, Susan, wants to know if she opens up now, a new Roth IRA with Alliant, because obviously she wants to buy certificates of deposits. There will the five year clock start all over again?


KT: Yes.


Suze: Wait, you have to wait and think about it.


KT: I did think about it.


Suze: You're positive you thought about it?


KT: Yeah. I mean, every time you open a new account, if the clock gets reset.


Suze: (Suze makes the buzzer sound) No, you are so wrong, so wrong. It's not even funny. Right. Every time you convert from a traditional to a Roth, that five year clock starts all over again. When you are putting in money in a contributory Roth,


Suze: which is what this is. She's gonna open up a new Roth at Alliant. She has one at Vanguard. She could open up another one at Fidelity. It will all be based on the very first Roth she ever opened up. So the five year


Suze: clock started my dear Susan when you opened up the Roth IRA at Vanguard.


KT: Oh, I get it. But what if she takes money from Vanguard and puts it into...


Suze: She can do that? It has no effect.


Suze: It doesn't stop. There is no way you can manipulate this int you being ok.


KT: I'm listening. I thought for sure that that clock gets reset.


Suze: And that's what I'm talking about everybody.


KT: That's what she's talking. You should know this.


Suze: No, that's not that you should or you shouldn't. There's, that's not it.


Suze: There is information out there that KT would have honest to God believed that she was right.


Suze: And then her sister would have asked her a question and she would have said no, Lynn clocks gonna get reset, the clock is gonna get reset. So, misinformation is passed from one person to another person under the guise of absolute correct inference. She anyway, but since we mentioned


Suze: Alliant and Roth IRAs, I wanted Alliant and all of you may know this to create a retirement account, whether it's a Roth or a traditional IRA where all you could buy within them were certificates of deposits because I didn't want you to be vulnerable to financial


Suze: people saying, oh, buy this, buy that. So if you want safe money, they have fabulous interest rates going on right now and you might wanna look, believe it or not at their three and five year certificate of deposits because I may be changing my theory from going really short term


Suze: because interest rates are going up. I'm not sure treasuries are gonna go a whole lot higher anymore. A lot has changed after Silicon Valley Bank went belly up. So if you're going to open up a Roth or a traditional with Alliant Credit Union, then you would go to My Alliant dot com


Suze: and check it out right there, if it's a retirement account. If you're just interested, by the way in there, really great interest rates for certificates to deposit outside of a retirement account, just go to My Alliant A L L I A N T dot com slash ultimate.


Suze: And that's how it works. And I have to tell you, their three and five year certificates of deposit are a good point point and a half, more than a three and five year treasury, Everybody. So you might just want to take advantage of that.


Suze: All right, KT.


KT: That's a wrap, Suze.


Suze: It's a wrap. So everybody until Sunday, when we are going to do a Suze School, let me say that again when I'm going to be doing a Suze School on what I think about I bonds interest rates, things like that also um Pioneer because as many of you know, it's skyrocketed. Exxon is gonna think about buying it. I have many comments for all of you. So


Suze: until then, however, there's only one thing that both KT and I want you to say every single day, say it KT:


KT: Today, Wherever I go, I will create a peaceful, joyful and loving world.


Suze: That's my girl. And if you do that, we promise you you will be unstoppable. Bye bye now.

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