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A Message for Husbands: Your Wife Should Drive the Retirement Planning

A Message for Husbands: Your Wife Should Drive the Retirement Planning

One of the most common things I hear from many couples is that the husband...

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Emergency Fund 101 - How Much Should You Have Saved?

Emergency Fund 101 - How Much Should You Have Saved?

It makes me so sad to read reports that many households don’t have even...

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The Biggest Retirement Planning Mistake

The Biggest Retirement Planning Mistake

A recent report that studied the 401(k) savings habits of millions of...

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Why You Should Seriously Consider a Roth 401(k)

Why You Should Seriously Consider a Roth 401(k)

You know I love, love, love Roth IRAs. One of the prime reasons being that...

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Three Steps to Guaranteed Financial Independence

Three Steps to Guaranteed Financial Independence

As a nation we set aside one day a year to formally celebrate our...

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Avoid This Common and Costly Insurance Mistake

Avoid This Common and Costly Insurance Mistake

If you have a low deductible of just $250 or $500 on your homeowner or car...

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Four Financial Moves Every College Grad Must Make ASAP

Four Financial Moves Every College Grad Must Make ASAP

Forget all the commencement speeches about your dreaming big, not...

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4 Signs You Should Rent Not Buy

4 Signs You Should Rent Not Buy

I am a big believer in home ownership, but only if it makes financial...

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The Two Biggest Mistakes You Can Make When Buying a Car

The Two Biggest Mistakes You Can Make When Buying a Car

If you lack the cash to buy a car free and clear, you really need to hear...

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Approved: White House Proposal for Universal Access to College

Approved: White House Proposal for Universal Access to College

President Obama has announced a plan that would pay for 100% of the tuition...

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The Road Not Taken: How Losing $50,000 Became My Biggest Gain

The Road Not Taken: How Losing $50,000 Became My Biggest Gain

Far from aspirations that would lead a reporter to refer to me as “a...

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What Baby Boomers Are Getting So Wrong About Retirement

What Baby Boomers Are Getting So Wrong About Retirement

Listen up my 60 something friends (and those of you heading to that...

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