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What Will You Do with your 2020 Raise?

What Will You Do with your 2020 Raise?

A recent survey of employers says they expect the typical raise next year...

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What to Do When Your Child Receives a Cash Gift

What to Do When Your Child Receives a Cash Gift

Teaching your children the pleasure of saving is going to be one of your...

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Celebrating Your Commitment to Financial Independence

Celebrating Your Commitment to Financial Independence

You and I know that July 4th is likely to be much different this year. The...

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Being Prepared for the Next Time

Being Prepared for the Next Time

I hope you, your family and all those you hold dear are healthy, both...

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Getting a Tax Refund? Don’t Blow It.

Getting a Tax Refund? Don’t Blow It.

Over the next few weeks plenty of you will receive a refund on your federal...

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Indulge in Giving Thanks, Not Black Friday Deals

Indulge in Giving Thanks, Not Black Friday Deals

Thanksgiving has become the start of a season of overindulgence for many...

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Say No Out of Love, Rather than Yes Out of Fear

Say No Out of Love, Rather than Yes Out of Fear

I know many of you are helping out your adult kids financially. I also know...

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Workplace Benefits: Your To Do List for 2020

Workplace Benefits: Your To Do List for 2020

Fall is typically when employers announce any benefit plan changes for the...

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Financial Do’s and Don'ts After Disaster Strikes

Financial Do’s and Don'ts After Disaster Strikes

Hurricanes and tropical storms have been devastating for so many. And heart...

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How to Become a Better Saver

How to Become a Better Saver

I don’t even need to ask you if you want to save more money. Of course...

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The Huge Money Mistake Too Many Millennials Make

The Huge Money Mistake Too Many Millennials Make

A recent survey of millennial's found that nearly 4 in 10 adults between...

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How to Navigate A Financial Crisis

How to Navigate A Financial Crisis

The rapid meltdown in global investments as the economic severity of the...

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