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What Are You Teaching Your Kids About Money Right Now?

What Are You Teaching Your Kids About Money Right Now?

A recent survey conducted by Schwab asked Americans what they think are the...

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3 Signs Your Generosity is Costing You Way Too Much

3 Signs Your Generosity is Costing You Way Too Much

One of the most harmful blind spots women have is a tendency to be too...

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Driving Towards Financial Security

Driving Towards Financial Security

I can learn so much about a household’s commitment to building financial...

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This Trend Among My App Users Makes Me So Happy

This Trend Among My App Users Makes Me So Happy

I have never been accused of following the crowd. One of the ways I have...

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Let’s Talk About Holiday Spending…Right Now

Let’s Talk About Holiday Spending…Right Now

Yes, I know the calendar says it’s only Halloween. But this is the...

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How Credit Unions Can Help You Build Financial Security

How Credit Unions Can Help You Build Financial Security

Those of you who have been with me for a long time know that I have always...

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Top Way to Financially Help Adult Children

Top Way to Financially Help Adult Children

I have been hearing from so many of you who are worried about how your...

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What’s Your Post-Covid Spending Plan?

What’s Your Post-Covid Spending Plan?

Now that coronavirus vaccinations have begun, I know that we are all eager...

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The Emergency You Really Need to Plan For

The Emergency You Really Need to Plan For

You know I wish all of you great health. And a life free of injury. ...

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Now is a Great Time to Sell a Car

Now is a Great Time to Sell a Car

If your household can function with one less car, there has never been a...

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Saving for Future Medicare Costs

Saving for Future Medicare Costs

There’s something everyone decades away from becoming eligible for...

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Podcast Episode - Highlights from The Dollar of the Decades

Podcast Episode - Highlights from The Dollar of the Decades

In this episode, we’ll hear highlights from “The Dollar of the...

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